Pelvic Steaming

 Yoni Steaming — V Steam — Vaginal Steaming

Are you looking for a shift in your body awareness? Do you want to feel more connected to your womb and all of the wisdom it has to offer? Imagine filling your womb space with warm herbal steam that penetrates deep into the body. You’ll realize it is what your body has always wanted and what it was made to receive. Herbal Steaming is an ancient indigenous practice meant to cater specifically to the Pelvic Bowl.

The vaginal walls are very porous therefore herbal properties carried from the steam into your vagina are assimilated into your bloodstream immediately. Pelvic Steaming provides almost instant healing to take place. I’ll provide you with herbal blends designed specifically for your body depending on your body constitution, patterns of health, and your cycle regularity.

Postpartum Pelvic Steaming Therapy helps you transition back into your pre-pregnancy body. GOOD postpartum care is essential in being able to properly recover after the birth of your baby. Herbal Steaming is the # 1 time-honored standard for Postpartum Care in 26 different countries around the world. I’ll provide support and resources to successfully carry out your 30 day nourishing Postpartum Herbal Pelvic Steam protocol.

Labor Induction Pelvic Steaming supports the full term birth parent (week 38 & on) to prepare their body for labor. Daily pelvic steams at home support the uterus, cervix, pelvic bowl ligaments/muscles with proper circulation, lubrication, and relaxation for labor readiness!

Herbs for pelvic steaming such as rose, vanilla, licorice root, ginger, & lavender

Pelvic Steam Benefits

Disinfecting any tears or sutures

Regulating your menstrual cycle postpartum

Toning of the reproductive organs after labor

Pulling out any extra water weight from pregnancy

Maintaining a healthy odor by balancing the vaginal flora

Assisting with organ prolapse and incontinence experienced after a birth

Increasing circulation to the uterine cavity for full postpartum uterine cleanse

Treating most gynecological imbalances experienced before, during, and after pregnancy

Cleansing and revitalizing of the uterus postpartum by clearing out the Lochia (afterbirth)

Prepares body for labor by providing lubrication, circulation, & relaxation to the womb

Releasing 200% more Oxytocin in the body as the steam stimulates the Vagus nerve

Reduce painful sex by providing circulation & moisture to the vaginal tissues

Reducing vaginal dryness due to excess heat produced in the body

Balancing the body if experiencing night sweats & hot flashes

Cultivating circulation within the womb and body

Treating chronic vaginal yeast infections & BV

Deep healing from past sexual trauma

Soothing & eliminating hemorrhoids


Postpartum Pelvic Steaming

Herbal Blends for 30 days of Steaming, One Phone Consultation, Peri-Steam Intake Form

Labor Induction Pelvic Steaming

Herbal Blends for 35 days of Labor Prep Steaming, One Phone Consultation, Peri-Steam Intake Form

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