In-Home Newborn Education

Postpartum Doula Portland

Portland Family receiving newborn education support from a highly trained postpartum doula


Feeling Confident

As a Postpartum Doula in Portland, I build confidence in parents just a few days after coming home with baby! My In-Home Newborn Care Education is an opportunity to have a solid chunk of time learning the ins & outs of becoming a new parent.

Comfort of Your Home

I absolutely love teaching Newborn Care techniques in the comfort of your home! It is so precious and endearing to witness the process of you becoming confident & competent parents. We will definitely be sharing some laughs together!

Hands on Learning

As a Postpartum Doula in Portland, I want you to feel ready to meet the very specific needs of your newborn. Hands on learning is my favorite way to teach you & your partner how to bond, love on, care for, and nurture your newborn.


Newborn Sleep Habits

How to Hold, Burp, and Handle your Newborn

Diaper Change & Offer Proper Umbilical Cord Care

Breastfeeding Basics, How to Work a Breast Pump, & Nipple Care

Creating the Perfect Breastfeeding Station & Setting yourself up for Success

Creating a Robust Milk Supply, Breast Milk Storage, Formula Feeding

Newborn Bath, Newborn Massage, & Basic Newborn Hygiene

Newborn Hunger Cues & Newborn Sleepy Cues

Baby Wearing & Swaddling your Newborn


4 Hours of In-Home Newborn Education

*This service is not the same as in-depth prolonged Postpartum Doula Care*

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